Hi! 👋 I'm Angelos Chalaris, a Full Stack Software Engineer from Athens, Greece.
I've been coding since 2011, making it my career path and longest-standing hobby to date. I love programming, system design, and problem-solving, and I'm always looking for new challenges to tackle. My main focus is on web development, but I've also worked with various other technologies in the past.
I have a BSc in Computer Science and a MSc in Advanced Information Systems & Software Development Technologies. I currently work as a Senior Full Stack Software Engineer for Skroutz, a leading e-commerce platform in Greece.
Skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, MariaDB, Git, Figma
Work Experience

Senior Full Stack Engineer Skroutz S.A. · Jan 2023 - Present
Senior software engineering role focused on JavaScript and Ruby on Rails. Part of a cross-functional team, responsible for the rapid development of new features, products and systems, tackling hard problems and improving the shopping experience of millions of customers.
In my day to day, I collaborate with experienced engineers, designers and product managers to research, build, maintain, test and optimize reusable full-stack software solutions, while ensuring high performance, code quality, best practices and effective knowledge sharing within the team.

Full Stack Engineer Skroutz S.A. · Sep 2019 - Dec 2022
Software engineering role focused on JavaScript, ReactJS and Ruby on Rails. An example of my everyday work and how I contributed to the team can be found in this blog post.

IT Officer (Software Engineer) Greek Council for Refugees · Mar 2018 - Aug 2019
Part of a team responsible for hardware and software infrastructure, including content management & website administration (Joomla), Windows Server and database (MySQL/MariaDB) administration, as well as full stack development, using Node.js, Express, MariaDB and React.
Projects & Open Source

30 seconds of code JavaScript, Astro, Node.js, HTML · Dec 2017 - Present
I am the creator of 30 seconds of code, a curated blog of over 500 modern web development articles, containing brief explanations and code snipetts for a wide variety of topics, such as JavaScript, CSS, React, Node.js, HTML and Git.
The website is custom-made in Astro, hosted on Netlify and its source code and content are open source, supported by a community of over 300 contributors and over 120k stars on GitHub. For this project, I've taken the roles of content creator, designer, developer and maintainer, as well as community manager.
jsiqle JavaScript, Node.js · Oct 2021 - Mar 2022
I am the creator of jsiqle, a JavaScript library that mimcs ActiveModel models, collections and queries. The library was developed as part of the infrastructure used to power the 30 seconds of code website.
It is currently in hiatus, but it is still maintained and updated occasionally.

mini.css CSS, Sass/SCSS, HTML · Aug 2016 - Oct 2018
I am the creator of mini.css, a minimal, responsive and easily customizable alternative to popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap. It utilizes modern techniques and design patterns, taking full advantage of modern CSS capabilities without the need for any JavaScript code.
It was also the basis for my Master's Dissertation, which explored the application of UI/UX design principles in web interface design.
The project is currently archived.
Demos & Smaller Projects JavaScript, Node.js, React, HTML, CSS, Sass/SCSS · Jun 2016 - Present
I have built various demos and toy projects over the years, mostly in JavaScript.
When I started learning React, I built Reactor for kickstarting React projects, as well as the combine-class-names utility to tidy up messy class names in JSX, and furl, a functional library of components, utilizing React hooks.
I developed Fixture Factory, a FactoryBot-inspired library for fixture generation.
I built Mocka, a simple, yet elegant content placeholder to enhance UX.
I've tinkered with progressive web apps for a long time, producing a handful of demos, such as Mock PWA, Autumn Blog and PWApp Demo.
While exploring HTML5, I put together HTML5 Template Generator, a replacement tool for commonly-found HTML5 boilerplates.
In the static site generator realm, I created Node Static Page Generator, which supports Markdown content and JSON metadata injection.
I've tried my hand at simple interpreters and parsers, producing Parse-MD.js for Markdown and brainsource.js for brainf**k, both written in JavaScript.

BSc Computer Science University of Piraeus · 2011 - 2016
I studied core concepts of programming and computer science, such as algorithms, network architecture, programming languages and artificial intelligence, while my focus was on Software Technologies & Intelligent Systems.
During this time, I learnt to code in various different languages, developing small projects and applications, oftentimes integrating SQL databases. My thesis was on Business Process Intelligence, Process Mining and the ProM Framework (available here in Greek).

MSc Advanced Information Systems University of Piraeus · 2016 - 2018
I studied Advanced Software Development Technologies, familiarizing with some more advanced programming and architecture concepts, especially ones that are used in modern web development, UI/UX.
During this time, I became more fluent in JavaScript and CSS and had a chance to work with cloud platforms and databases more in depth. My dissertation was titled Design, Development and Application of Advanced User Interface Software for Web Applications (available here in Greek).

Full-Stack Certification freeCodeCamp · 2017 - 2019
I have completed freeCodeCamp's Full-Stack developer certification, earning all 6 of the required certifications and learning essential skills for developing websites and web applications, using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and popular tools, such as React, Bootstrap and Express.

Advanced Ruby: Behind the Magic Go Rails · 2024
I have completed the Advanced Ruby: Behind the Magic course by Go Rails, covering advanced Ruby topics, such as blocks, procs & lambdas, requiring files & autoloaders, metaprogramming and domain-specific languages (DSLs). You can find my certificate here.

CSS for JavaScript Developers Josh W. Comeau · 2023
I have completed Josh W. Comeau's CSS for JavaScript Developers course, refreshing and further expanding my knowledge of CSS. The course covers various CSS topics, such as fundamentals, rendering logic, modern component architecture, flexbox, grid, responsive & behavioral CSS, typography, animations and much more. You can find my certificate here.

The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Google Digital Workshop · 2022
I have completed Google's Fundamentals of Digital Marketing course, learning the basics of digital marketing. More specifically, I was introduced to concepts such as digital marketing strategy, SEO, display advertising, social media, email and mobile marketing, and analytics. You can find my certificate here.

Tech Talent School Certifications Found.ation · 2017 - 2018
I have earned some of Tech Talent School's certifications, improving upon already acquired programming skills (JavaScript, PHP, WordPress), as well as learning some soft skills which are essential for a developer's career.
Community contributions

Stack Overflow Sep 2012 - Present
I actively participate in the Q&A site Stack Overflow and I currently have over 6000 reputation points and a bronze tag badge in JavaScript. Most of my questions and answers are in the JavaScript, HTML, jQuery and CSS tags.

Codewars Nov 2017 - Present
I actively participate in the coding challenge website Codewars and I currently have over 2500 honour points (3kyu). Most of my Kata solutions are written in JavaScript and Node.js.